Friday, October 2, 2009

Pandas are cuter than you!!

wow.... now i understand quantum physics..... OH! hay! ummm. don't mind that.
so umm how's it going- oh i don't care! it's MY blog, so i can say whatever the heck i wanna say! ha! take that people who hate freedom of typing!

yep.... i need to go see the rapist...

today is soo awesome! wanna know why? because it's Friday!!! wooooo! and that means.... NO MORE SCHOOL!!! YEA! WOOO! ALRIGHT!!

until monday...... CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol! so uhh! oh yea, hey mrs. sessions! how's it going? good? bad? miss me? of course you do.
lol! just ello!

beastly pics are out! yea! haha! vanessa hudgens is going to be in! eeep! can't mother freaking wait! also pandas are sooo cool!
also i am going to atlanta for at least 2 day tops! wee! sike! don't wanna actually!
-Flashback- UGH! YEP! don't wanna go officially now.


well byee....

Peace out!
Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side

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