Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Look who's alive... ME!

Okay so i got my font the way i like it... aww! I forgot how i used to do this because it was like in July! haha! So uhh yea this is awkward because a lot has changed. All those movies i was talking about i seen, oh and the shows but whatever! So um yea i am in computer class doing nothing because i was persuaded to do this and now--LOOK AWAY HANAN-- thank you. U TOO SALLY BECAUSE I KNOW YOUR LOOKING AND MY BAD SALLY! Sally is actually a "friend" haha jk she is my "friend" ahaha! But i am basically rambling to fill in the awkwardness-- LOOK AWAY HANAN AND BREZE! haha! LOOOK AWAY! thank you. So anyway Sally has ADHD and i hope she doesnt see this because... this is sally & i see this ..... bye .
This is Jaila... im dead. hahaha! HELP ME!!!!!!! LOL!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oh Shhhnnaappp!

Okay this is crazy, besides the fact that my font is emo-mazing, is that i haven't blogged in like... ever! 2 months to be exact! Well not exact because, well is it? IDK! But anyway recap of the movies for right now! Charlie St. Cloud, Zac's new drama angsty new movie is out in like 2 weeks and eeep to that! I wish Vanessa Hudgens was in it thought, that would be a win, win, win! 3 wins because Zac Efron (1), Vanessa Hudgens (2), and their in a movie together (3)!

Speaking of Vanessa Hudgens, her new movie Sucker Punch is being shown at the comic con on Saturday, July 24th in San Diego. How awesome is that, though i dont think i want to drive out, okay i do but my mom probably doesn't!

But back on the topic of Sucker Punch, a first look was sent to the world and let me tell you it is beautiful! It's a picture of what they call "Badass Babes'" and Vanessa looks hot (NH)! Here is the eep worthy picture!

I know.... oh crapp they look Badass! haha!

Okay so on to other things, i went with my friend Caroline to see Steve Carell's kind of new movie 'Despicable Me' and it was really funny! Me and Caroline's writing group fun with it! Did i tell you they talk a lot, but dont worry, they were wayy funny and awesome!

Leo-sexy-nardo's new movie came out and it is called Inception, when we were leaving Despicable Me, the movie theater was doing Inception midnight crawl and the movies were packed with people, it was crazyy! I really want to see it and plan on it!

Also on my To See List, Avatar the Last Airbender, it has Jasper aka Jackson Rathbone. I wanted to see it with Caroline but she was mad at the all white cast and so bluntly said no. God, drama is near! haha! So i am bunking it with Terrica. Also, Vampire's Suck. Hell yes i am going to see it! It is a parody of the oh-so-famous Twilight Movie Saga! I must sayy it looks pretty awesome! haha! Oh! by the wayy i seen Eclipse. it wasnt all that and a bag of beans but it was good, if i must say!

Oh yeaa, Vampire Diaries is coming out soon! Eeeeeppp! I can't wait, Katherine's back and is causing some DRAMA! They are filming as i speak and Ian is hopefully somewhere taking off his shirt. Also, Bonnie (Kat something, i'm just going to call her Bonnie) is playing in a movie called Honey 2 which i will not see because i loved Honey (with Jessica Alba and it just can't be replaced). But back on to everything Vamped up, i can't wait for Vampire Diaries second season. Oh and get this, the first episode of the second season is named "The Return" *Jason music insert here*----> Chh-chh-chh-- ha-ha-haaa.... haha!

On to Glee, YAAYYY! I love Glee and will never stop! Unless of course Kurt dies! But that will never happen, i wont alloooowww it! But it was supposed to air on my bday (Sept. 7th woop woop to that) but they pushed it back, just like Beastly. Yea... they pushed Beastly backk, no i'm being to gentle, they pushed it wayyyyyyy back, like freaking March 2011! UGH IT WAS SOO CLOSE! But i guess i can live i mean... Zac Efron is coming out with a movie! Wee! Oh but back on to Glee!

So spoliers, i think Carl is going to show up (Emma's dentist and now boyfriend), him and Will are going to get into a fight, which Will will most likely lose! haha!Kurt spoliers, Kurt gets a boyfriend, other news, rumored to be Maxxie from Skins, the cute gay one! Yes that is how i will describe him!

Also, okay i forget! haha! i just came back after eating for like 30 minutes and having a play fight on my smexxyy couch! lolz! But i guess if that's it then i will leave! I am sorry for not logging on for 2 months but this should repay all that with this special movie blog! :))


Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Glee obsession! Crapp...

Okay so my last post said that i was going to Caroline's house for the weekend, which i did. But while i was there she got me watching a show i never actually bothered to think about watching and i feel someone watching me! Someone was watching me i.e. Halle Rashae but anyways! Caroline got me watching Glee and now i am a freaking Glee adict! CURSE HER!
The couple i immediatly started to ship was Will and Emma. Caroline said that Will (Matt Morrison in real life who also played the original Link Larkin in Hairspray. Caroline said he was 40 something. The man is only 31 and is still looking good... Ahhh... Matt....)-- Okay so i sorta just kind of said what i wanted to in the parentheisis so there is not really a reason to actually repeat it... lolz! Okay well anyway my math teacher and old computer teacher Mether. Thekin just like now..... Bye Mether Thekin.... Okay he's gone and so now i can be un-tense lolz! haha! I am sooo funny! Anyways you can tell i am mega obsessed with Glee because like Caroline because i already started reading fanfiction and i am crapped up! haha! But anyways my favorite charecter of the Glee cast is Kurt. He is kind of... Gay but he is awesome and he sings like a girl but he is amazing! That is just... Great. haha! Oh yea, i love you Zac Efron. Just thought i'd throw that out there. Hehe

Well Byee

Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Caroline's house today! yay

Okay so i have my font the way i want it and that is awesome! Anyways! like the title says i am going to my best friend Caroline's house! We are going to sit back, be lazy, laugh with her mom, and all that good stuff! haha!
OMG! Big news! The Vampire Diaries was amazing! Damon and Elena kissed! eep! Well actually Damon and Katherine but me and Ileana thought that was weird because we thought Damon should have been able to tell the difference like Bonnie did. I am now a Damon and Elena fan! lolz! Well gotta go, byee!!
Short one i know!

Byee again!

Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Or are we Ashes and Wine??-- A Fine Frenzy

Okay so i got my font the way i want it! lolz! Uhmm i haven't done a decent report on the Zanessa life and all that crapp so here we goo! yeaa!

Okay so Vanessa is first because there is some buzz going around! Vanessa Hudgens awaiting movie, Sucker Punch, is having some scheduling conflicts?? It shows on all internet pages that Sucker Punch comes out in 2011... BUT! On Snyder's website, it says Sucker Punch release comes out Decmeber 25. People are blowing up Snyder's email and fan posts. Fans want to know what Snyder is planning... is Sucker Punch coming out in December 2010 or will it stick to its original 2011 date?? I will have the answer prior to a few weeks or so...!
Sucker Punch Cast!
Emily Browning as Baby Doll[9]
Vanessa Hudgens as Blondie[10][11][12][13]
Abbie Cornish as Sweetpea[14]
Jamie Chung as Amber[15]
Jena Malone as Rocket[16]
Carla Gugino as Mrs. Schultz[17][18]
Jon Hamm as High Roller[19][20]
Scott Glenn as The Wiseman[21][22]
Oscar Isaac[23]
Ryan Robbins[24]
Gerard Plunkett as The Stepfather / Father O'Rourke

Patrick Neal Harris....
People are critizing Harris for his pick for Vanessa to play Mimi for the musical RENT. He explains then:

"I think Vanessa has great potential for this (RENT) and i bet she will give you a hundred on this. I promise you.."
It is said that people are anxiously awaiting for everything Vanessa has to bring for RENT!

Zac Efron's movie "Charlie St. Cloud" and Vanessa Hudgens "Beastly".

Turns out that the two movies will be coming out the same month, and the same week...? No JK but they will be coming out the same time! We'll have to see this turn out! GOOD LUCKK Zanessa! :D

Okay last but not least, Zanessa will most likely be going, and together! Wee! It showed a promo on MTV and yess... He was smexy! lolz! Well that's it for now!


Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Okay so me and Halle did it again! Yea i didn't-- oh snapp i didn't mean for that to sound a little... yeaa... HAHA! anyway, what we DID again was switch our mouses around and this time it was wayyy funnier! haha! Okay so when we switched we were on Learning.com when got stuck on some directions and of course Halle has to call him because she needs help, knowing that we have our mouses and keyboards switched, so she calls our computer teacher who already thinks were crazy and needs help! haha! But he is getting up to come over and she says to me "Make sure you move my mouse when i move it and type when i type, okay?" and i nod and go with it because what elese can i do! When he gets up i try to hold in my laughter! So he was almost there when Halle points out our names. My name was on her moniter and hers on mine. So when he came over i took one look at him and burst out laughing because he didn't know anything! So when he asked what was wrong we told him but we were laughing in between and he thought we were kidding and making fun of him, which we were! haha! Then this is where it gets funny, he t0ld her to demostrate and she looked at me and then nodded. So she started moving her mouse and i didn't move because i was being a bit slow and i can't type! hahahaha! Okay anyway she looked at me and i realized that i had to move mine. which i did, so when Halle started moving her mouse one way, i moved mine another way and i thought she didn't notice, she did... haha! But after that we had to type and i did though it didn't work because he noticed our names and we just laughed. So now here i am writing on her computer, on my blogger, and Halle on mine though she totally finished before mine because i suckk! haha! Well gotta go, Byee!

Jaila ReddRick/ Ninja on the side!

Friday, April 30, 2010

I wanna be your oxygen... just for a moment...

Okay so i got my font the way i want it so this is good!

Alright, today is a funny dayy already! lolz! Me and Halle switched computers! haha! no not the switching seats whole thing but the mouse, and keyboard! haha! The whole shabannng! haha! so from i seat (which is next to her) i have to look to her and she has to look to mine! lolz! So we do this computer program called Learning.com and that she does my work and i do hers! And i was thinking the whole time "What is he thinknig when he looks at us when he passes by" haha! that thought is hysterical! So then Halle came up with an idea to keep the computers unswitched so when the next class comes in, whoever is here they will have to be a little confused! ahhh! i love her funny, slightly perverted, mean, and happy, go lucky self! and mind! wee! well thats it for now! This was a little shorty but good enough! lolz! Well gotta go!

Jaila ReddRick/ Ninja on the side!