Friday, April 30, 2010

I wanna be your oxygen... just for a moment...

Okay so i got my font the way i want it so this is good!

Alright, today is a funny dayy already! lolz! Me and Halle switched computers! haha! no not the switching seats whole thing but the mouse, and keyboard! haha! The whole shabannng! haha! so from i seat (which is next to her) i have to look to her and she has to look to mine! lolz! So we do this computer program called and that she does my work and i do hers! And i was thinking the whole time "What is he thinknig when he looks at us when he passes by" haha! that thought is hysterical! So then Halle came up with an idea to keep the computers unswitched so when the next class comes in, whoever is here they will have to be a little confused! ahhh! i love her funny, slightly perverted, mean, and happy, go lucky self! and mind! wee! well thats it for now! This was a little shorty but good enough! lolz! Well gotta go!

Jaila ReddRick/ Ninja on the side!

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