Monday, May 3, 2010


Okay so me and Halle did it again! Yea i didn't-- oh snapp i didn't mean for that to sound a little... yeaa... HAHA! anyway, what we DID again was switch our mouses around and this time it was wayyy funnier! haha! Okay so when we switched we were on when got stuck on some directions and of course Halle has to call him because she needs help, knowing that we have our mouses and keyboards switched, so she calls our computer teacher who already thinks were crazy and needs help! haha! But he is getting up to come over and she says to me "Make sure you move my mouse when i move it and type when i type, okay?" and i nod and go with it because what elese can i do! When he gets up i try to hold in my laughter! So he was almost there when Halle points out our names. My name was on her moniter and hers on mine. So when he came over i took one look at him and burst out laughing because he didn't know anything! So when he asked what was wrong we told him but we were laughing in between and he thought we were kidding and making fun of him, which we were! haha! Then this is where it gets funny, he t0ld her to demostrate and she looked at me and then nodded. So she started moving her mouse and i didn't move because i was being a bit slow and i can't type! hahahaha! Okay anyway she looked at me and i realized that i had to move mine. which i did, so when Halle started moving her mouse one way, i moved mine another way and i thought she didn't notice, she did... haha! But after that we had to type and i did though it didn't work because he noticed our names and we just laughed. So now here i am writing on her computer, on my blogger, and Halle on mine though she totally finished before mine because i suckk! haha! Well gotta go, Byee!

Jaila ReddRick/ Ninja on the side!

1 comment:

  1. That My Friend, Was So Funny! (: I Loveed That! Couldn't Have The Best Time Without You!! (:
