Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Okay so i got my font the way i like it so this is starting off a good post! Okay so today i got some cool news! R'ashae's back! Which is the by the way news. But the cool news is that my mom and dad said maybe to going to Hollywood to see RENT! You know the broadway musical that Vanessa Hudgens is going to be in? Yea its that awesome! lolz! So anyway my mom said since tickets are on sale that i can bring one friend since Terrica said she wanted to go to and that just made my choice hard! I thought i wanted to take Halle but she never really expressed her passion for RENT and i think she would be extremly bored with the whole show. So i was focused on taking Caroline if she could go. But that is where i thought... What if Halle wanted to go, that i was just assuming she doesn't like RENT! But i asked her about it before and she didn't no what the heckk i was talking about. When i talk to Caroline about it she gets excited like how i get! So it is a clear choice but i don't want to hurt anyones feelings from who i picked! I could take Halle, but she doesn't like RENT. But she could be mad and hurt by me picking someone else.
I could take Caroline who loves RENT just as much as i do, but would be hurt that i didn't consider her... CRAPP!

Okay on to less depressing news, Disney was great, i had a lot of fun with my family and we laughed so much because everything was so cute and corny, but i loved it! Disney is amazing! So umm... I can't really tell you about anything because i need pictures which i could get... let me try!

.................... (HANG IN THERE BABY)
Nope i have to wait till i get home but then i will! Promises will be promised! hee! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!!!!
Okay well i gotta go Byee!

Jaila Reddick/ Irritated ninja on the side!

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