Friday, February 26, 2010

Paris Attack!

Omg my sister Paris is sooo dead! She tried to slit my throat in my sleep i swear! She can never sleep with me anymore!!!! Sounded soooo wrong! lolz! So umm... It was Midnight and i sensed some movement going on but i thought i was in dream land or lala land! haha! so i flip over and feel something cold on my leg and then my thigh then my arms and... my neck!


That's how i woke up and paris was hovering over me with a butterknife looking all innocent! All of a sudden i feel myself scream and must have fell of the bed because i was all of a sudden on the floor crawling away! Then the door opened and Paris slid in the bed like a snake leaving me confused. Then i woke up...? Just a dream, or the truth....!!!!!!
The world may never know....

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