Friday, September 18, 2009

my diary!!

Okay! so i am doing this new thing for my blog. since it's like my online diary, i am going to put my actual diary on my blog soo you can see what i am feeling at that moment! ENJOY!!!


Dear my new diary,

mmkay, so i am at Nims and i feel out of place right now. Wanna know why? Because this school is huge and i don't know who the crap these people are! i wanna go back to Stars soo much! i miss Mrs. sessions, Halle, Caroline, Ms. martin, Everybody! EXCEPT MR. TAHMEL!!!

Right now i am in "GYM", more like do whatever you want just don't hit people with belts, haha! No i'm serious! this girl was hitting everyone.

Okay, now i am in Civics and i have no clue what he is talking about haha! His name is Mr. burney, his class is..... Intresting. oh, i miss Ms. Jordan. I think i seen her boyfriend! (just added that because it was a last minute thought lol!) i use to understand everything she told me and i had fun! aw! i can't talk about this anymore!!

So, i got a new MP3 player and it WORKS! wee! haha! i'm so excited to walk to and from the bus jamming and stuff lol! so i know a lot of people from Sabal Palm (my old elementary school) and some know me like Richard Footman. He was like, "Jaila? Jaila Reddick?" and i nod and say "Yea!" And he walked away shaking his head saying "I can't believe this"... then kelvin Sweet walked over and says "HELLO"! and walked away.... nice job kelvin! Your still a jack like you always been!
Well i gotta go! Byee!

here it comes again!


Dear Diary,

I am sitting in this office but they call it the lounge, i guess that's the same thing. So i got lost like 4 times and it's only my second period. Oh, i am in the office because it's b-day (no not birthday! it's B day) and i only have 3 classes.... so i visit the office and here i am, in the lounge aka office that smells like pee! How do they stand it?? There is suppose to be this person, i don't know Ms. or Mr. small i believe are suppose to meet me about my jank schedule.

You know a lot of kids at this school say "Hey girl" or "Hey boy" it's rude and most of the time you have no freaking clue who the crapping crap they are talking about! This the weirdest and most confusing day ever! On the brightside i only have 3 classes! haha! Oh, and towmorrow i only have 2! SCORE! haha!

apparently Mr. or Ms. small like florida university. Is it the gators or the rattlesnakes...? Whatever! i don't care! haha! aparrently sports are not my thing! lol! Aint that the truth!

Why is their school soo big?!!??! Compared to Stars were the small mouse, Jerry, and Nims is the huge cat ,Tom. But as always Jerry wins! haha! Gotta go, Byee!!!

Well that's it for right now! later!

peace out!

Jaila Reddick/Ninja on the side!

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