Monday, September 14, 2009

Missed me!

Missed me? of course you did! so umm... last post i believe was on my bithday which was septembre 7th! so a lot hasn't really happened except for the fact that i was transferring from 'Stars' to 'Nims' which is to me, horrible! so it's monday and i was taking my sister paris to her bus stop when these four huge freaking dogs come out of nowhere and i knew paris was going to be scared. heck! i was already dragging paris back to my house! haha! so that made me miss my bus and me having to stay home. YAY!!! HAHA!i was sooo happy when my mom said i wasn't going to school! wooo! that was awesome! so now i ate a big breakfast and am chillin, killin... haha! i'm kidding! sorta....

so umm that VMA's came on yesterday and they weren't as good as i thought they would be! mainly because zac efron and vanessa hudgens wasn't there! but the thing i hated was what kanye west did. it was rude, selfish, and could have been left alone! taylor swift won an award for best video and kanye west took it in his own hands to get up on stage and say "Beyonce's video was better than yours so everyone should have voted for her instead of taylor swift". Okay, so he didn't say that, but by what actually said sure made it seem that way. taylor was shocked and obviously hurt! i wanted to know how he got up there and how did he take it when everyone booed him and screamed "Taylor, Taylor"!!! i hoped he felt stupid! he is iggnorant and cares nothing about anyones feelings but his own! i don't like him, the only thing i like is his music but other than that, No. and it was sweet how beyonce let taylor have her moment again! love beyonce, taylor rocks and kanye west can suck it!
well i am tired so i am going to leave now! Bye!
Peace out

Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!

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