Monday, March 1, 2010

Bored In Computer Class... : /

i got my font the way i love it!! EEEEEP! lolz!
So i am so excited for this weekend today! Me and Caroline (you know my best friend right?) are going to her house this weekend and she asked to skip school this Thursday but i don't think so...! haha! So she called and said she would pick me up go to her house and have a movie marathon all day! Lolz! Then on Saturday we are going to meet awesome writing people! Yea! lolz! Love her...! So umm... after the writing thing we are going out to dinner and stuff and going back to her house and make videos and laugh at her cats (Scotch and Zeke)! Also last time i was over there her cat licked my toe. The pinky! Who licks the pinky toe?!? Zeke does! haha! I like Zeke, he always lays on my foot. haha! I am laughing a lot! lolz! See! I keep putting exclamation points on everything.
Finally not that one! Uhmm... did i tell you i seen a sneak peek at Beastly? OMG! IT IS SOOOO AWESOME! i am going to drag Caroline to go see it and make her mad and stuff!
She also keeps saying that her friends (other home schooled people) want to meet me and the writer people! i am apparently that awesome! lolz! uhmm i have no clue why they like me and wanting to meet me but hey i'm all for it! lolz!
Hmm... anything else to write about..? Oh yea! I am going on a cruise!! I am taking Caroline with me because she has nothing to do and i think we can go meet some foreign boys! Heck Yessss! haha! It's in December and it may seem bad but everyone with a brain knows it's gonig to be hot when we get on the water and stuff! I was going to ask Halle but i don't think she can actually go...!

Well gotta go! Byee!

Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!!

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