Friday, March 19, 2010


hahaha! I got my font the way i like it! lolz! And also, i am sooo excited for the Vampire Diaries! EEEP! lolz! This is going to be perfect! :)
So umm... Caroline invited me to go to a thing somewhere. It's on April 2 and i think 1,000 people go and where like dresses and people come and ask you (DIRECT QUOTE FROM CAROLINE) "What the heck are you wearing?" and then we tell them the story and the look at us like... what the heck?! I WANNA DO IT! Caroline said a 1,000 people signed up already so i think this is going to be huge! Also, i might laugh when people look at me like "WTF" haha! That would be awesome and hilarious! :)
So umm... i am at my Grandma's house. No, not Gma the one who lives in town but my other Grandma, the one on my father's side. My father is a country boy so all his fmaily lives in the country, so that is why i am IN the country. My father woke me up (Well i was already up, but not get up- up) and told me there was a block party in the Country. I of course don't want to go because i am a city girl. But i didn't say that and then he comes back 5 minutes later saying "Jaila, get up! " and i'm just like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" because i hate going to the country. People there don't listen to my music, don't talk the way i talk, and even though i have seen them multiple times i just can't FEEL comfortable! :(
But, i'm pretty sure they, as in my PARENTS don't care and they send me and Paris off and then at the last minute tell me that i am staying the night! What the heck! Well, gotta go!

Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side

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