Monday, March 22, 2010

Here Comes the Drama....! :8 <-- lolz, look at that!

Okay i am happy i got my font right! I think... Whatever! So i am in computer class and waiting for second period because that is where i talk to Savannah about her being all... IDK! Screwy! To me. She just doesn't seem like she takes a liking to me, i don't know, but i will find out today! :)
So umm... Halle called me last night and we didn't really talk about anything important till i mentioned something she put on her facebook comment. I really don't understand Halle. She says she doesn't really like Savannah but l just don't know... She said she is becoming annoying or something. Then she calls Savannah saying all 3 of us need to talk about all this and she isn't even here! lolz! Guess it's just me and Savannah! :) haha! Uh-oh! No but i don't like drama at all, i just find myself in things all the time. Lucky me right!

So... i have nothing else to talk about...! Well... later! lolz!

Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!

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