Monday, March 22, 2010

My latest obsession...! :)

Okay i have my font! lolz! So umm... i have my new obsession, well Zac Efron will always stay there and so will Zanessa, and High School Musical.... Okay i have A lot of obsessions but i have good reasons! :D so my newest obsession is the Tv show on the CW Vampire Diaries...! I like the show because Ian Somerhalder or whatever is in there and by god... that boy is sooo amazingly beautiful! :\ I know i sound lovestruckk but i'm a girl with hormones and i have boy days and i can't believe i put that with 3 boys right next to me! :O haha! Ooops! XD But i only like Damon, and maybe Bonnie but not Stefan or Elena. I don't like Stefan because first of his name... and then the next thing is he is always runining Damon and Elena moments. No matter how much i want to kill Elena i think her and Damon are wayy better together! Or Damon and Bonnie.... but yea!

I don't like Elena because she was stupid enough to like Stefan and not Damon. God someone get this girl some freaking sense! I mean even though Damon kills people, i.e. his brother and some of her friends and Jeremy's beloved girlfriend Vicky, doesn't mean anything! Damon is amazing because he knows he's a murderer and he is a jerkface and he knows that people hate him... and i like that he can live with that! I am totally team Damon! He makes me squeal when he comes on the telly (British words people! Eeeps!)! lolz! And he is just so bad boy! He makes me want to kiss him... well slap him and kiss him.. No! Kiss him and then slap him and then kiss him again! haha! I am so Damon/ Ian gaga! lolz!

I like Bonnie! Even though she looks NOTHING! like how she should look in the book, i.e. she's got a "Year round tan" (Watched Me myself and Irene few nights ago, love that movie!) and she isn't like a midget! Well not a midget but she's... She's just not! BUT! i like her and i would be okay if i seen Damon and Bonnie together! I seen it on the sneak peek episodes so yes that's where i got the idea of them and kind of liked it. Even Iley liked that! haha!

Well i better go!


Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side!
P.S. I love you Ian/Damon! :)
P.S.S. New Pictures! WEE! :D

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