Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How amazing of you...

Okay so i got my font the wayy i love it and i am happy about that! Okay so i'm gonna make this quick, my mom pranked me about the whole Paris missing thing and i am really mad at her about that! So Paris is home and i am sooo relieved! haha! :)

Anyways! I have some major, well major middle school drama going on, and Jaila (that's me) is always in the middle of it. So you know my friend Rashae right? Well Halle and Rashae were really close friends (notice the WERE) until what is made to be, 3rd period. I forgot what Rashae told me about her and Halle so i don't have enough details about all this but i have enough. So Rashae told me Halle was two-faced and that she doesn't like two-faced people (i mean who does?). But she didn't tell Halle, she just flat out ignored her and stuff. So Halle doesn't like getting ignored and will say something like "Forget you then" or "Whatever" and won't talk to you either (i know from experience! haha). Okay so now here is where i come in... Rashae doesn't have a problem with me and still says she's my friend, but of course.. not Halle's and Halle is my friend and yea... So basically Halle gets insecure about things getting token away from her and she thought that Rashae would take me away. But, here's the thing. I like Rashae as a cool friend and i like Halle is a friend, and them being in a fight kind of sucks on my behalf because i know Halle and Rashae really liked each other. You know, calling each other the opposites names and hugging and laughing, what friends do! and then it's all "i hate you" and "Don't talk to me" and that sucks! :(

Okay, well that is the drama momma! hehe! lolz! Well this was a short but important post on here and i hope everything works out tomorrow! Yea good like dreaming Jaila! Haha!


Jaila Reddrick/ Ninja on the side, and reporter!

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