Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In no time i guess!

Okay i got my font the way i love it so yeaa! Last post was kind of.. crappy because it was about Paris. Anyway i am here with my reports on news about Z on the sexy E and V on the H. And all things DC lolz! Okay... so! Zanessa is sooo in love today people! hehe! Okay so apparently Zac says he is IN LOVE and GAGA crazzy over his 4 years of love with his High School Musical co-star Vanessa Hudgens yea. Zac in an interview says that he is "Honored" to be with V on the H, says from sources of Access Hollywood (Good Truthful show, thank gosh! haha). Also, Zac was spotted buying a present for his dear girlfriend Vanessa. And also that Zac is coming into the idea of marriage. He was spotted looking at rings, and diamonds. It is also stated Zanessa wants to celebrate their 5th anniversary in Malibu or the carrbiean.

Okay that's all for the zanessa new now on to the Jemi!!!! (Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato)

As everyone knows 'Jemi' as everyone calls them are closer than close now that they are finally in a relationship. People were shocked when Joe litterally told everything. Here is the interview:

Interviewer, aka Ryan Secreast: So i hear that Demi Lovato and you now have a relationship going on...?

Joe: Actually yes that's exactly what it is. We realized that we have been friends, best friends actually, and that we wanted more.

Ryan: So you guys are a real time couple now?

Joe: Yes we are and we couldn't be happier.

Okay so if that's not enough of a wake up call that they are together then what is?? haha!
Lolz! I like her hat! hehe!
Well i guess that is it for Jemi this week!
Well i better be going! Tune in next... day? Well tomorrow where i go and look up zanessa, jemi and i guess all things Disney! Hey that rhymes! :)
Jaila Reddick/ Ninja on the side, and awesome reporter!

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