Saturday, May 30, 2009

1st day of summer!

omygosh!!!!! today is the 1st day of summer but im not doing anything yet though.
oh i got an idea! i will act out my friends break up!!!! she just broke up with this guy named todd and she's down in the dumps so this is how it went (well what she told me over the phone)!

Kyra: Jaila it was horrible!!!
me: tell me what happned ky.
ky: so he talking about past relashonships with his girlfriends and i of course tell him i don't give a crap about those girls and he stops and just looks at me and says (she says this in a deep voice0 "jealous" and im like no then he-

me: wait! so where were u guys?
ky: we were at the park! our parents dropped us off and let us have some time 2gether since we never do!

me:k go ahead
ky: so he said "jealous" and i was like no but then he started laughing and saying "wow. u jealous" and im like "shut up". u know all playful and then he just said its over.

me: wait!!! he just said its over.
ky: yep
me: like that
ky: yes. (i could hear her crying)
me: awww ky don't cry!!! he was always a jerk!!
ky: but he said that we were like so cute 2gether and then he just dumps me!!! (crys some more then blows her nose and i could hear the snot coming GROSS!!!!)

me: i wish there was some way i can help.
ky: don't put this on u! let me deal with my own problems and i'll tell u how everything goes.
me: u sure? i could very well stalk until he's alone then take a butcher knife and-
ky: i think i'll deal with everything thanks jai! (her nickname for me HATE IT!!! but she's sad soooo......)

that was me and Kyra's convo!! peace out!

Jaila Reddick/ ninja on the side

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