Friday, August 7, 2009

Blabble blabble!!

Ello!! I am right now bored but excited!!
Wanna know why?? Of course yooh do! You have no choice!! haha! It feels good to rule! Lolz!
enyway back to what i was saying! Zac Efron has a movie coming out and it's called 'Me and Orsen Welles' and he looks sooooo beautiful!! I think he is inhuman, like what i read on fanfiction, he is a beautie! haha! Zac Efron is a beauty!haha! What i would do if i seen that man!! OOOOOH!! I can't even explain it!!! haha!!
Making myself laugh today! Enywho? Oh yea zac efron, that's who! His movie comes out this fall and i just gotta see it!! even if that means doing anything! I will....

OOOOH!! Vanessa Hudgens is going to be in 2 movies!! SCORE!! So watching both!! The 1rst one is called 'Beastly'and it's like 'Beauty and The Beast' with a 'Modern Day Twist'! I am so ready for that!! Lolz! Vanessa plays 'Lindy Taylor' and she is really the love of the beast which is played by 'Alex Pettryfier whatever his name is! I read part of the book and it sounds good i guess! I only read it because Vanessa Hudgens is in the movie and i don't like wanna be lost on what's going on! Lolz! And the next movie izzz! Sucker Punch!! So Vanessa is suppose to be a hooker who breaks out of a brothel with some chicks! Iguess that's it! Her name on the movie is blondie and it sounds kinda awesome!! haha! That is the news on Vanessa Hudgens!!

Well i am tired so im gonna go!!
Peace out!
Jaila Reddick/ Gangsta Ninja on the side

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